Open Smile

Dental PC

General Dentistry


Wisdom teeth are the last teeth to erupt, which usually happens between the ages of 16 and 21. Since all other teeth have already erupted by that time, the wisdom teeth may have trouble breaking out through your gum tissue. As a result, they may shift the position of other teeth, erupt sideways, or remain impacted (trapped) inside the tissue, which may lead to potentially dangerous infections. Pain and swelling are very often seen in situation like these. All these problem may represent an indication for a wisdom teeth extraction.

Removing wisdom teeth is generally more complicated procedure comparing to other teeth extractions. Still, if done by a skilled professional, it rarely causes any complications whatsoever. The time required to complete the extraction vary depending on the circumstances (position of the wisdom tooth, position of the neighboring teeth, and so on), although it generally takes a bit more time comparing to most other teeth.

Post-extraction recovery is also a bit more demanding and lengthy comparing to standard extractions. The bleeding after the extraction is sometimes a bit more severe than after the regular extractions, although it can be stopped by pressing a piece of gauze on the affected area. The pressure is best applied by a strong bite, with the gauze placed on the affected area. Similarly to other extractions, minor bleeding may occur during the 12-24 hours following the extraction. The bleeding may be more intense comparing to other teeth extractions, but it is rarely severe and almost always can be stopped with a piece of gauze, as described above. Pain may cause problems to some patients, so painkillers may be used when needed.